Seminar How Gamification Drive Better Business Outcome
Posted on September 17, 2019

On Sunday, September 15, 2019,  COMPFEST seminar was held with the theme How Gamification Drive Better Business Outcome. This seminar was hosted by Eko Nugroho as CEO of Kummara, one of the game creator startups in the Indonesian industry. Kummara was founded in 2011, at that time Indonesia had not so many people created games. At that time, people looked negatively towards games and the stigma of games was still strong unlike now. Surely this is a strong motivation for game-maker activists to make people not underestimate the game.

This seminar tells about gamification in general and what are the benefits in the game. In short, gamification is the process of using rules in the game for non-game activities. We can use features such as leaderboard, score, and achievement. With these features, of course, people will compete in doing something to achieve the largest score possible. There are three points presented as challenges of gamification. Starting from the first point that reads “Drive better game Industry”, how do we make people believe in Indonesia’s potential regarding games? From here, there began a challenge to create an Indonesian-themed board game. The Indonesia Board Game Challenge has attracted more than 390 participants and produced 96 prototype board games with an Indonesian theme, and more than 1,200 people have tested and enjoyed the 25 best games.

Then the second point is “Drive better learning culture”, the biggest obstacle in innovation is politics and cultural issues, there are still many people who give a negative stigma to the game. There is one object of Mr. Eko, he said that we live not to digitize something but to humanize human work. For example, people from Papua who want to communicate, of course, may not have to walk to Jakarta first. So from this, it can be concluded that the actual technology is to humanize human work. Technology also exists not only for the exhibition and prestige, but there are separate uses for each of the existing technologies.

There are two concepts in gamification that can be an example. The first, in terms of game-based learning, which is optimizing games as the main learning media to improve learning experiences and improve learning outcomes. Then second, in terms of gamification, applying game design (game mechanics) to the non-game environment to motivate people and change behavior. Maybe for some people, games are negative activities and just a waste of time, but games can be made for learning media or other positive activities. For example, parents can teach their children the logic of thinking through playing games, especially strategy games. Then another example, as is the case with the kahoot game concept that uses leaderboard scores in answering questions. Lecturers or teachers from various institutions can use Kahoot as a learning medium. With this, people are competing to achieve the highest leaderboard scores.

The third point reads “Drive a better world”. There are three factors to change the world for the better, namely motivation, reward, and impact. Pak Eco said that the reward given should not be numerical because 100 rupiahs is now not the same as 100 rupiahs later. “Indonesia is the best place to create a game that solves problems. Simply because we have the most important ingredients. We have all the world problems,” concluded Mr. Eko as well as closing the seminar on How Gamification Drive better Business Outcome.

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