Learn In-Depth of Data Science in Data Science Academy Camp 1
Posted on July 22, 2019

On July 21, 2019, Data Science Academy Camp 1 day 1 was held at GO-JEK HQ, Pasaraya Blok M. Then, July 22, data science academy camp 1 day 2 was held at ESTUBIZI Business Center & Coworking Space. In this first camp, participants were given various materials and training on data science.

First Day camp 1 Data Science Academy

On the first day of Camp 1, the activity began with the opening and introduction of each of the team members and continued with office tour activities by going around the Gojek office. The next activity was a seminar with the theme “Data Science to Solve City Problems” explained by Mr. Ridlo Nurrahman as Lead Data Scientist at Gojek.

This seminar explains how Gojek overcomes problems and predicts things with data science such as giving drivers recommendations when there is a traffic jam. Participants also being explained a lot about data science in general and various methods in data science. He said that data visualization is one of the important things in data science. Mr. Ridlo said that the data scientist in Indonesia is very difficult to find while it is actually being in a truly high demand. He told how important and needed data scientist is in Indonesia. Data science includes programming, statistics, and business. He said that to make a decision can not only rely on humans but also needed the role of existing data. With the existence of data science, we can make decisions by approaching accuracy because the decisions taken are based on existing data.

In the next session, participants were mobilized to another room to be given material about “Tools for Data Science in Python” hosted by Endiyan Rakhmanda as Chief Product Officer at Iykra. Broadly speaking the material presented is various tools in python which are usually used in data science. Starting from packages or commonly used tools such as numPy, pandas, matplotlib, and XGBoost. These tools have important roles that have different uses. Then proceed with the next session, namely workshop regression which was still delivered by the same speaker. Here, participants are taught how to choose variables that are important to use as data visualization.

To become a data scientist, we must have curiosity and creativity as Mr. Endi said, “So our task is to see the data, then what is the story of the data, so it can’t just do the usual things but there must be a research side, there must be a creative side to find out what the data is talking about, the main thing is to be curious”. He also advised that it is very necessary to update the latest sciences because not always the scientist’s data is sought and needed as it is now, and what it does not know in the future.

“It must be creative to add knowledge not limited to campus, join the community, enter the event, acquaintance with the people involved in it. So it is precisely learning that is not in the classroom but rather outside.” Mr. Endi said. 

The next activity is a case study where participants are challenged to analyze the data and questions that have been given. Then, the participants are directed by the speaker. Most participants have mastered any models that have been delivered by Mr. Endi.

Second Day camp 1 Data Science Academy

On the second day of camp 1 data science, the activity began with the presentation of supervised learning material by Mr. Juan Intan Kanggrawan as Head of Data & Analytics in Jakarta Smart City. The material delivered starts from what is supervised learning and various supervised learning models. He said that in supervised learning, the most commonly used model is linear regression and K-nearest neighbor. Linear regression is more general, it only requires data in the form of variables containing numbers and will show a linear line in the graph, different from K-nearest neighbors which are analyzed based on the grouping approach, he said.

“Data science is as simple as making decisions faster and better, as simple as that. Data science is important and I think the influence of data science is not only in one industry but the whole industry will use data and create products and run businesses based on data as well” said Mr. Joan when interviewed. 

“In simple terms, supervised learning is data that is more structured, defined, the variable is also clear. So when we analyze it, we already know what is analyzed and the results are about what it is, as simple as that. ” he continued the explanation of supervised learning.

According to him,  data science is a mindset, a systematic mindset in decision making. He also advised that in the face of technological trends we must be prepared and responsive because from time to time the trend is always changing and the data is now the trend. What’s more, technology is now the realm of Revolution Industry 4.0.  His message for students never stops learning with new things because technology from time to time changes and develops rapidly.

The last activity was closed with a supervised learning exercise followed by Ms. Gregorius Vidy Prasetyo as Data Analyst at Home Credit Indonesia. Participants are given a project and asked to apply the supervised learning models that have been delivered. The activity of data science academy camp 1 ended with closing.

Don’t forget there is still Data Science Academy Camp 2 coming in this week. Keep following the journey of COMPFEST  on our social media: Instagram @compfest, Twitter @compfest, and our main site http://www.compfest.id. (Editorial Marketing / Nazila)